RFR: Building jre/jdk images from jmod files

Chris Hegarty chris.hegarty at oracle.com
Fri Feb 17 01:35:56 PST 2012

This is a follow up to the work for supporting native libraries and 
commands outside the module library.

The issue is that we previously could not (reasonably) create the module 
images from jmod files. The reason is that the native libraries and 
config files were not being put into the correct section of the jmod 
files. For example, on Windows the dll's and exe's were put into the 
NATIVE_CMDS section. Setting --natlib on Windows and installing would 
not effect where the dll's get installed.

Since the post processing construction of the modules will eventually be 
replaced, I didn't want to spend too much time rewriting much of the 
makefile, instead I guess you could say this is a little bit of a cheat!

   Basically, anything put into the build lib/(LIBARCH) directory can be 
considered a native library, or jvm.cfg/Xusage.txt/debuginfo which are 
closely related and therefore packaged with NATIVE_LIBS. Everything else 
in the build lib directory, *.properties, *.data, *.policy, tz data, 
fonts, go into the CONFIG section. Native commands go into NATIVE_CMDS.

   Since the dll's and exe's are created and put in the build bin 
directory, I simply modified the makefiles to know they are dealing with 
a native command and put it into the modules bin dir, then everything 
else in the build bin directory must be a native lib ( or closely 
related pdb/map/etc). Now the contents of the build lib directory are 
simply  *.properties, *.data, *.policy, tz data, fonts, go into the 
CONFIG section.

I verified that module images built with the changes are the same as 
without. Additionally, BUILD_PACKAGES=false still works ( for faster 
builds ).



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