Re-export and isModulePresent

Mandy Chung mandy.chung at
Fri Feb 17 12:06:51 PST 2012

On 2/17/2012 7:45 AM, Alexey Fedorov wrote:
> Hello!
> Suppose we have the following module structure:
> module A @ 1.0 {
>     ...
> }
> module B @ 1.0 {
>    ...
>     requires public A;
> }
> module C @ 1.0 {
>    ...
>     requires B;
> }
> the following call in any class from module C returns *false*:
> getClass().getModule().isModulePresent("A")
> Is this behavior correct? In other words, "requires public A" 
> directive re-exports *only A's types*, not *module *A?

It's a bug.  One use case of the isModulePresent() method is for testing 
if an optional module exists so that the a caller can conditionally 
reference the exported types from that module.  In your example, module 
C should be able to access types in A that are re-exported from B if A 
is installed and linked with C.  So the isModulePresent("A") method 
should return true in this case and we will fix it.


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