Debugging Jigsaw test cases in an IDE
Jesse Glick
jesse.glick at
Wed Feb 29 15:41:33 PST 2012
On 02/29/2012 05:14 PM, David Bosschaert wrote:
> I looked at the Netbeans
> setup instructions in /jdk/make/netbeans/j2se and set up the IDE that
> way, but when I do 'Debug File' on the test above (or
> any other test)
> It fails
Not surprisingly, because jtreg is not apparently bound to anything in project.xml, and the generic targets that might get set up if you accept the IDE's offer to
generate them have no chance of working for this specialized test harness.
I took a stab at writing jtreg NB bindings for this project and am including the patch for you to try. Run File seems to work (opens a browser on the results if there
were failures). Note that Debug File does not work for me because of a "transport error"; not sure if this is just a case of debugging being broken in the current VM, or
if something in shared.xml is still wrong.
Cannot create attachments so just pasting inline - hope you can apply it. This really ought to be applied against OpenJDK 7 and merged into 8 and then Jigsaw, of course.
# HG changeset patch
# Parent 115b3bb6de96bbd0ce2203a272b80ef4a5b36d97
# User Jesse Glick <jglick at>
Fix up jtreg actions, and bind them to run.single and debug.single in NetBeans.
diff --git a/make/netbeans/common/shared.xml b/make/netbeans/common/shared.xml
--- a/make/netbeans/common/shared.xml
+++ b/make/netbeans/common/shared.xml
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
<property file="../common/architectures/arch-${os.arch}.properties"/>
<property name="arch" value="${os.arch}"/>
<echo level="verbose">System configuration claims architecture is ${platform}-${arch}</echo>
- <property name="build.dir" location="${root}/build/${platform}-${arch}"/>
+ <property name="build.dir" location="${root}/../build/${platform}-${arch}"/>
<property name="bin.dir" location="${build.dir}/bin"/>
<property name="make.dir" location="${root}/make"/>
<property name="gensrc.dir" location="${build.dir}/gensrc"/>
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@
<!-- You can override this target in the ../build.xml file. -->
<target name="-jtreg" depends="-init,-pre-jtreg,-taskdef-jtreg,-check-tests-defined,-jtreg-setup,-jtreg-make,-jtreg-ant,-post-jtreg">
- <property name="" location="${jtreg.dir}/JTreport/report.html"/>
+ <property name="" location="${jtreg.dir}/JTreport/html/report.html"/>
<condition property="jtreg.passed">
<equals arg1="${jtreg.result}" arg2="0"/>
diff --git a/make/netbeans/j2se/nbproject/project.xml b/make/netbeans/j2se/nbproject/project.xml
--- a/make/netbeans/j2se/nbproject/project.xml
+++ b/make/netbeans/j2se/nbproject/project.xml
@@ -79,6 +79,30 @@
+ <action name="run.single">
+ <target>jtreg-nb</target>
+ <context>
+ <property>jtreg.tests</property>
+ <folder>${root}/test</folder>
+ <pattern>\.java$</pattern>
+ <format>relative-path</format>
+ <arity>
+ <separated-files/>
+ </arity>
+ </context>
+ </action>
+ <action name="debug.single">
+ <target>jtreg-debug-nb</target>
+ <context>
+ <property>jtreg.tests</property>
+ <folder>${root}/test</folder>
+ <pattern>\.java$</pattern>
+ <format>relative-path</format>
+ <arity>
+ <one-file-only/>
+ </arity>
+ </context>
+ </action>
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