native cmds and libs in the module library

Mandy Chung mandy.chung at
Tue Jan 17 23:03:16 PST 2012

On 1/17/2012 6:28 AM, Chris Hegarty wrote:

> Here is an updated webrev based on the comments and feedback I received
> on this.
>   - An additional option is added for supporting config files
If a relative path is specified as an argument to --natlib, --natbin,
or --config option, what is it relative to and what gets recorded
in the module library header? I believe the implementation currently
uses cwd (i.e. the directory where jmod install is invoked) which
means that we can't simply copy the module library and the natlibs
to a different location to use?? See my comment for Modules.gmk.

    L141: --natlib $mlib/.. --natcmd $mlib/../../bin --config $$mlib/..

$mlib is an absolute path.  Since these alt paths are recorded
in the module library header, if we zip up the jdk-module-image and
unzip it at a different location, these paths need fixup in order
to install new modules in it.  It seems that we should keep
these paths relative to the system module library when creating
the jdk modules image.

Similarly, the realpath of the files are stored in "files"
which would need fixup too which is not ideal.
    L346-348: I wonder if it's cleaner to initialize these instance
    variables to the default path, i.e. new File(root, "bin") if the
    given argument is null so that the null check is not needed in
    various place.

    L301: I think this warning should be output in the Librarian
    implementation rather than in the SimpleLibrary.  Instead
    it should throw an exception if the natlibs is not writeable
    and when it writes a native library.

    L1289: it's a good question when we should check the extension.
    It depends if the specification requires the extension of a
    module file be a specific value.  I think we can leave as it
    is and get back to it later.
    L199-201: may be cleaner if these variables are initialized
    to the default path e.g. File(destination, "lib") and the
    non-null check in the getDirOfSection method will not be needed.

    L581-585: minor: since they are interested in 3 section types,
    would it be better to handle each section type in this postExtract
    method rather than checking the section type in both
    markNativeCodeExecutable and trackFiles methods. Probably the
    markNativeCodeExecutable method can be merged with this postExtract
    method and remove L501-504 as well.
    L55, 151: this comment line can be removed.
    It might be good to verify if the path of the native library
    is expected.

> Issues I intend to address separately:
>  - Separate out native libs and config files during the build, so they
>    can be put into the right sections of the jmod file
>  - Investigate the potential for global configuration files versus
>    non-editable per-module config files.

That's fine with me.


> Thanks,
> -Chris.

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