More jigsaw spec clarifications

Alex Buckley alex.buckley at
Mon Jan 23 11:10:27 PST 2012

On 1/20/2012 5:39 PM, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
> Do you envisage specifying any compile-time errors arising from
> examining the set of observable module declarations. For example, the
> restriction on duplicate views within a module declaration could be
> extended to be a restriction on duplicate observable views. And, what
> about different modules trying to export the same package?

It would be nice if the module system was responsible for detecting 
inter-declaration errors while the compiler sticks to intra-declaration 

The module system already has the logic for finding different modules 
(within a dependency graph) exporting the same package, so why should a 
compiler duplicate it for source-form declarations? Perhaps this comes 
down to the interface between compiler and module system. Will be a 
sketch of how javac's interaction with the classpath is modified to work 
with Jigsaw?


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