
Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Tue Jan 24 03:09:59 PST 2012

On 24/01/2012 11:02, Jesse Glick wrote:
> This JAR seems to have been dropped from Jigsaw builds, at least mine; 
> perhaps jdk/make/javax/swing/beaninfo/Makefile was never called. 
> Anyway this horrible makefile could probably be replaced with a 
> 269-based processor (*).
> Where should classes like javax.swing.JTableBeanInfo go? More 
> generally, how will java.beans.Introspector's search path work under 
> Jigsaw, especially in "design-time" mode?
> (*) Which leads me to another question which I will post separately.
I was chatting with Jan Lahoda about this a few days ago and he had to 
copy it from a jdk8 build to get the NB editor working. We don't done 
anything about the bean info classes yet but that will be resolved in 
time. Also remember that there is a completely new build project in the 
works for jdk8 so that will eventually replace all these make files. 
Also there is still a lot of development to be done on Jigsaw and there 
will be many issues until everything is done.


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