-encoding and -source in module-info.java

Eric Johnson eric at tibco.com
Tue Jan 24 13:47:49 PST 2012

Of course, to me, this circles back to the point I've chimed in on with 
others before. Module info shouldn't be in a file ending in .java. It 
*isn't* part of the language, it is part of the metadata for using the 


On 1/24/12 10:35 PM, Neal Gafter wrote:
> The idea of using module-info.java to specify compilation options seems
> most tempting, but as long as it is a source file in the language, it must
> be subject to those options as well.  Which means that specifying them
> inside the file itself is pretty pointless.  As to the source level, what
> can the language specification say other than that "8" is the only allowed
> value?  And what can the next version of the language specification say
> other than that "9" is the only allowed value?

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