native cmds and libs in the module library

David Holmes david.holmes at
Mon Jan 30 21:19:10 PST 2012

So this may be the extra work you are referring to but I was surprised 
to discover that doing:

jmod create -L foo --natcmd bin --natlib lib

didn't create foo/bin and foo/lib but rather created ./bin and ./lib


On 26/01/2012 9:52 PM, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 25/01/2012 15:28, Chris Hegarty wrote:
>> Alan, Mandy,
>> Thank you for your comments.
>> In short, I would like to integrate what is in the latest webrev (with
>> your approval/review), and then continue the remainder of this work as
>> a separate task.
>> Latest webrev
>> Changes:
>> - SimpleLibrary parent, natlib, natcmd, and config are now final
>> (Mandys comment).
>> - Cleanup some style issues.
>> - Backout changes to Modules.gmk (install from jmod files).
>> Long description.
>> I think it best to postpone to the next phase of this work creating
>> the images by installing from jmod files. The reason being that this
>> doesn't work very well on Windows yet.
>> The jmod files for Windows contain both commands and libraries in the
>> NATIVE_CMDS section of the jmod file, and config/property files in the
>> NATIVE_LIBS section. It will not work to simply set --natcmd bin, and
>> --natlib lib, as the findLocalNativeLibrary will then be searching in
>> the wrong place.
>> The solution is to have the appropriate files put in the correct
>> section of the jmod file in the first place, and this will require
>> separating out commands, libraries, and config files during the build
>> <sigh>. I think this is best done as a separate task.
>> Thanks,
>> -Chris.
> I agree with Mandy, I think you should just push the patch that you have
> now and address the separation and Windows issues in a second phase.
> -Alan.

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