ANT build file for the Quickstart example

Deepak S Patwardhan deepak.patwardhan at
Thu Jul 12 06:54:50 PDT 2012



Has anyone written an ANT build file for the Quick start example on Project
jigsaw's homepage ?


Since current Maven is pretty much unusable for Jigsaw projects (right?), I
tried to create an ANT build.xml with the intention to define targets like


compile - compile the code.

dist - prepare the jmod files using jpkg.

install - install the jmod files into project's module library using jmod.


But, I can't get the compile to happen successfully. This is what I tried :
(target init creates the modules/ folder)


    <target name="compile" depends="init">

        <javac srcdir="src" sourcepath="src/classes" destdir="modules"
fork="yes" includeantruntime="no">

            <compilerarg value="-modulepath modules" /> 




The build fails with this message :



    [javac] Compiling 5 source files to

    [javac] javac: invalid flag: -modulepath modules

    [javac] Usage: javac <options> <source files>

    [javac] use -help for a list of possible options


Any suggestions ?



Deepak S Patwardhan.


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