Classpath mode class loading question

Sean Mullan sean.mullan at
Wed Jun 13 14:13:23 PDT 2012

On 6/13/12 4:51 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:
> On 6/13/2012 12:51 PM, Sean Mullan wrote:
>> In classpath mode, I need to find out if a class has been loaded from the system
>> library, as opposed to from the CLASSPATH. Is there an easy way to find that out?
> Would the classloader be adequate for your use (null vs non-null)?  A 
> class on CLASSPATH is loaded by the system class loader.    What do you 
> want to do with this check?

I'm working on adjusting our JCE framework code to verify a JCE provider. I need
to know if the provider is loaded from the system module library (i.e. one of
the JCE providers bundled with the JDK), as opposed to say, a 3rd party provider

The JCE framework currently rejects any providers loaded from the bootclasspath.

> Just to be clear: The current prototype puts all modules in the 
> bootclasspath in classpath mode as a temporary hack.  Karen and I are 
> working on the classpath mode support to replace the -Xbootclasspath hack.

Ah, maybe I will wait for that then.


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