Build-infra with jigsaw, progress update

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Mon Jun 25 07:15:06 PDT 2012

On 25/06/2012 09:36, Erik Joelsson wrote:
> :
> Another question on javac and modules. I have successfully compiled 
> all modules together in one compile in step 5. I'm not succeeding in 
> compiling just a subset of them however. What I would like to be able 
> to do is compiling the bare minimum set of modules in the jdk repo and 
> then jump over to jaxp, jaxws, corba and langtools and compile them 
> properly in a modular way. Are there known issues concerning this at 
> this point?
There are a few warts. One is java.util.Properties due to a dependency 
on types in the JAXP module. This one hasn't leaked in the API and so is 
fixable, just hasn't been done yet. The GenerateNativeHeader annotation 
that came up on build-dev recently is in the langtools repository but as 
per the agreement there, it has been removed from classes in the base 
module. Otherwise I think the only issue is optional dependencies that 
involve static references as those types need to be available at compile 
time. The base module still has a couple of optional dependencies that 
mean the classes from a few other modules are needed, including the 
desktop module.


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