Provider dependencies later was: Unit testing the resolver

Jaroslav Tulach jaroslav.tulach at
Mon Jun 25 23:42:58 PDT 2012

Dne Po 25. června 2012 20:54:24, Paul Sandoz napsal(a):
> No problem. Mostly what i am looking for is agreement that service provider
> module dependencies should be resolved after the "Classpath"  dependences
> since it is:
> - easier to report errors;

I'd bet this is true.

> - easier for developers to understand; and

Right, it follows the way I think about the resolution.

> - has wider implications to help avoid, in part, NP-Complete problems.

I have doubts about this statement in general. It goes in the right direction, 
but unless the whole system[1] is in place, I don't see NP-Completeness being 
prevented. Maybe P2 and Sat4J guys could jump in and share their experience 
with optimizing the NP-problem space...



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