Question about FileManagers in Jigsaw.

Fredrik Öhrström fredrik.ohrstrom at
Tue Mar 13 13:39:56 PDT 2012

----- jonathan.gibbons at skrev:

> It was my understanding from build-infra that partial builds would be
> supported, differently. You would always need access to a full forest,
> but you would be able to do a build of the form, "build here that
> forest over there, substituting my repo here"

That is the intention. You have one full checkout, and then for example 50 langtools repoes (langtools1 - langtools50). You create 50 build directories build1 - build50, and type ....fullforest/configure --with-override-source-root=..../langtoolsXX in each of them.

Now you can build any configuration simply (cd .../build42 ; make)

Or if you put all (build1-build50) below jdk8/build you can type "make ALL" and it will build all 50 at once.

The reason for this requirement is that we have to share the common makefiles and setup code between the repoes. It cannot be duplicated in each repo. And secondly it is a good idea to be able to always build the full product.


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