Bug in ClassPathContext?

mark.reinhold at oracle.com mark.reinhold at oracle.com
Wed Oct 10 16:38:11 PDT 2012

2012/10/10 15:53 -0700, mandy.chung at oracle.com:
> You're right - the last statement doesn't match the comment. I haven't
> been able to understand why the unit tests have been passing
> with jdk-module-image (no $BUILD/classes directory and also JPRT build)
> in my testing before the push. Hmm.. all modules are loaded by the
> bootstrap null loader except and so that works.

Now that I've studied your recent URLClassPath changes, I think what's
happening is that if a $BUILD/classes directory doesn't exist then the
tools and ext modules are marked as bootstrap modules, so they're loaded
by the bootstrap loader rather than a URLClassPath.ModuleLibraryLoader
as you probably intended.

What I don't yet understand is why things don't work in development mode,
when these modules aren't marked as bootstrap and so should be loaded by
an appropriate ModuleLibraryLoader.

> Are the unit tests failing with jigsaw/jigsaw tip?



- Mark

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