jigsaw sync'ed with jdk8 b88

Mandy Chung mandy.chung at oracle.com
Wed May 8 11:32:51 PDT 2013

jigsaw repos are sync'ed with jdk8 b88.  With Erik's contribution [1], 
jigsaw has switched to use the new build.

$ cd jigsaw-top-repo
$ sh configure && make all

To run jigsaw tests:
$ make test TEST=jdk_jigsaw

FYI.  There are a couple of post modularization issues to follow up for 
the new jigsaw build. For example, the jdk tools produced by the new 
build run in classpath mode and most of them have been running in module 
mode previously.  The jigsaw hello-jar.sh and services-jar.sh tests fail 
with the new build but pass with the old build.  There are also security 
test failures that need to be looked at.  Other than that, the new 
jigsaw build is in pretty good state.

[1] http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jigsaw-dev/2013-March/003302.html

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