RFR [9] Modular Source Code

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Wed Aug 13 22:54:46 UTC 2014

On 13/08/2014 22:29, Mike Duigou wrote:
> :
> - modules.xml "Changes to this file will require review by Committers to Project Jigsaw." Will this be true after integration into jdk9/dev repo?
There's a section in JEP 200 about modules.xml, it is temporary until 
there is a module system in place. The jdeps tool is updated with a new 
option to read it and check for changes (the dependency check is more 
detailed that might be initially obvious).  For now, committers to 
Project Jigsaw are the custodians of the module graph and I think the 
requirement for a Reviewer will last at least as long as this side file 
needs to exist. In time I assume that processes for dealing with changes 
to the module graph will be on par with other API changes.


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