RFR [JEP 220] Modular Run-Time Images

Paul Sandoz paul.sandoz at oracle.com
Mon Dec 1 16:36:38 UTC 2014

On Dec 1, 2014, at 5:33 PM, Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at oracle.com> wrote:

> On 01/12/2014 16:11, Paul Sandoz wrote:
>> :
>> In src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/jar/Attributes.java
>>         /**
>>           * <code>Name</code> object for <code>Implementation-URL</code>
>>           * manifest attribute used for package versioning.
>> -         * @see <a href="../../../../technotes/guides/versioning/spec/versioning2.html#wp90779">
>> -         *      Java Product Versioning Specification</a>
>> +         *
>> +         * @deprecated Extension mechanism is no longer supported.
>>           */
>> +        @Deprecated
>>          public static final Name IMPLEMENTATION_URL = new Name("Implementation-URL");
>> Is that is marked as deprecated should all the other IMPLEMENTATION_* names be marked as deprecated?
> The webrev isn't quite up to date but just to say that the proposal is to only deprecate EXTENSION_INSTALLATION, IMPLEMENTATION_VENDOR_ID, and IMPLEMENTATION_URL. It took a while to completely sort out all the issues with the extensions mechanism and the JEP was updated a few days ago to make it clearer the aspects that are retained.


>> :
>> In make/src/classes/build/tools/module/ImageBuilder.java, some stream usages, take 'em or leave 'em:
> I agree there this could be good much more nicely in several places but it's just a temporary tool for the build and will be replaced completely once we have a proper linker.

That's fine. My hope is that people, if looking, may find such comments instructive on streams usages.


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