Support for jrt-fs.jar in JDK 7 would be very helpful in allowing FindBugs to run under Java 9

Remi Forax forax at
Wed Nov 26 23:17:04 UTC 2014

On 11/26/2014 10:46 PM, mark.reinhold at wrote:
> 2014/11/23 4:01 -0800, loskutov at
>> ...
>> Just wondering if the package->modules map (in the default properties format)
>> couldn't be just saved as a plain text file in the root of the jdk (or any
>> other suitable place)? The benefit related to the symlink approach is that the
>> access to such map would be much faster (single I/O read vs directories
>> traversal).
> We're trying to move away, as much as possible, from encouraging
> developers to rely upon the existence and content of specific files
> inside a run-time image.
> Exposing the package-to-module map via the NIO filesystem API is clean
> and relatively simple.  It might be a little less efficient than using
> a separate properties file, but I don't think utmost efficiency is the
> ultimate goal here.
> - Mark

I understand that a plain old file is not something very flexible
so ok to not having it.

and I think it's not a good idea to pollute the image API with something 
from the past.
I prefer that each tools that need the whole mapping between a package 
and a module
to create their own index (not necessarily on disk) instead of choosing 
now to use symlinks
to represent such index, something I'm sure we will regret in the future.


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