So what is a .jimage?

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Thu Sep 25 07:29:31 UTC 2014

On 24/09/2014 21:29, Paul Benedict wrote:
> I haven't been able to find any discussion on this new file type. What's
> the file format? What's inside of it?
It's a container format for storing and indexing modules, classes and 
resources in the JDK. Think replacement of rt.jar, resources.jar, 
tools.jar and the other JAR files that you see today in the JRE and JDK 
binary images today. It's part of the effort to move to a modular image 
and getting us to the point where we can link Java SE, JDK-specific, and 
other modules to create binary images. It's intended to be internal to 
JDK as it will evolve significantly over time. There will be a JEP on 
this topic soon.


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