A method to pack javafx apps in less than 5 MB (with jvm)

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Fri Apr 10 06:37:44 UTC 2015

On 09/04/2015 14:11, Shashaank Tulsyan wrote:
> @Tobi Yes it can be used for robovm.
> There is no particular link to java fx packager.
> The main thing which it uses is some vm flags and supply an alternate
> bootstrap classpath, which is rt.jar unzipped. And then we spy on javavm
> using a virtual filesystem to know which classes are actually required by
> the vm and which classes are not. Based on this knowledge we create a new
> copy of the bootstrap classes contains only those classs files which are
> actually required.
and additionally for the specific environment where the training run is 
done. You probably know this already but changes in the environment 
(including the locale) may change the list of classes that will be loaded.


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