Apache Maven JDeps Plugin

Stephen Connolly stephen.alan.connolly at gmail.com
Mon Apr 13 13:14:47 UTC 2015

Or maybe just integrate http://www.graphdracula.net/showcase/ into the html
report and let people drag the graph to their needs. Note that the site
also lists similar projects providing similar functionality, so worth
checking out either way

On 13 April 2015 at 08:59, Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at oracle.com> wrote:

> On 13/04/2015 03:46, Hervé BOUTEMY wrote:
>> last week, during DevoxxFR, Arnaud and I showed maven-jdeps-plugin: as
>> expected, a lot of users didn't know about this tool
>> So for sure, having this plugin and a report would help
>> Then there is the question of: what should the report look like?
>> Should it be a simple stdout dump of command line result? ugly...
>> During DevoxxFR, I saw a graph of Java modules dependencies: having a
>> report
>> putting info on this graph could really be more expressive than console.
>> Is there an html report available for jdeps?
>> Should we parse text output to work on a graphic report? (seems hard...)
>>  jdeps can produce .dot files when you use -dotoutput. You can then you
> use Graphviz layout or other tools to draw graphs. Would that help?
> -Alan.
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