Should this work?

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Sat Aug 1 19:59:51 UTC 2015

On 31/07/2015 22:16, Michael Hall wrote:

> Fwiw, I have tried -R recursive, and even -jdkinternals. Neither gave me the laf dependenciies for my application jar.
> I was not successful in using -M for module information to see if anything else identified java.desktop as a required module, it just didn’t work for me.
> Neither did -p to try and go directly after the package, or -filter:package.
> Either these are not in place or my build or usage is incorrect.
> But, having been unable to get jdeps to indicate java.desktop as a module dependency for the Aqua laf I still might consider this a concern if someone was trying to determine required modules for a OS X swing application. I haven’t tried other platforms.
> Maybe I should at least wait on doc before having concerns but this still seems one.

So is jdeps printing anything? If you are directly make use of anything 
in the java.desktop module then I would expect it to be printed.

There are two UIManager.setLookAndFeel methods. One takes a String with 
the class name of the LAF. The other is a concert LookAndFeel 
implementation. Which method are you using?


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