Review for JDK-8132335

Jean-Francois Denise jean-francois.denise at
Mon Aug 17 13:21:40 UTC 2015

Hi Alan,
as JDK-8132527 shows, we also need to test that replacing the boot image by a recreated one is OK. Something that is straightforward in jake using jlink ( to generate a JDK image), more difficult with jdk9/dev.
I propose to add the recreate unit test in jake. Does it makes sense?

On 25 Jul 2015, at 09:16, Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at> wrote:

> On 24/07/2015 17:19, Jean-Francois Denise wrote:
>> I forget to add details on the fix. The fileName formatting was not correct, the call to getRoot() was not right. I replaced it with getFileName() + removal of .jimage extension.
>> JF
> Are you planning to add a test for this? I realize "jimage recreate" is mostly just for tools doing static instrumentation but it's very easy to break this and would be good to have a test to exercise it and catch any issues.
> -Alan.

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