Feature complete?

Alex Buckley alex.buckley at oracle.com
Tue Dec 1 20:54:07 UTC 2015

The reason is given after the first minute of the first video section 
that Nicolai links to, "Accessibility & Readability":

"As usual, migration drives a lot of our thinking. We want to make it 
easy to place an existing package into a module and immediately give 
that package the benefit of strong encapsulation. We don’t want each and 
every public type in a package to have to “opt in” to strong 
encapsulation. So, public types in a package are not accessible outside 
the module by default."


On 12/1/2015 8:31 AM, Nicolai Parlog wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
>   Hi Vitaly,
> I summarized each of the J1 talks about Jigsaw. Here's Under The Hood:
> 	http://blog.codefx.org/java/dev/javaone-2015-under-the-hood-of-project-
> jigsaw/
> If you want to see the original video for a section, hit the
> Play-Button next to it.
>   so long ... Nicolai
> On 01.12.2015 16:47, Vitaly Davidovich wrote:
>> Mark,
>> I'm glad I gave you the opportunity to share your thoughts on what
>> java would look like if designed right now :), but I was strictly
>> speaking about the access modifier for modules.  The question is
>> basically whether a module-private access modifier was omitted due
>> to legacy/migration concerns or something more fundamental.
>> Apparently the Under the Hood talk mentions the reason, so I'm
>> hoping someone can just quickly mention the reason here.
>> On Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 10:41 AM, <mark.reinhold at oracle.com> wrote:
>>> 2015/12/1 7:22 -0800, vitalyd at gmail.com:
>>>> ...
>>>> Well, people can get used to just about anything, doesn't mean
>>>> it's necessarily the right way.  But fundamentally, I'd like to
>>>> look at java source/types and be able to infer as much
>>>> semantics as possible, this includes visibility.  With jigsaw,
>>>> this is now blurred for public types. If modules are truly a
>>>> first class citizen, they ought to have their own
>>>> language-visible access modifier.  Let's put it this way --
>>>> green field scenario, no legacy code to worry about, is this
>>>> still the right choice?
>>> In a green-field scenario, with no legacy code to worry about,
>>> we probaby wouldn't have packages, protected members, or even
>>> non-private constructors -- and we definitely wouldn't have
>>> serialization.
>>> That is not, however, the world that we live in.
>>> - Mark
> - --
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