is ClassLoader.loadClass() supposed to work on module-info classes?

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Thu Dec 3 20:37:19 UTC 2015

On 03/12/2015 19:58, Rafael Winterhalter wrote:
> :
> Assuming A is a serialization library: If the object of C contains an
> instance encapsulated by D, then B would need to make sure that it can read
> C and D before handing the instance to A. For this it would of course be
> necessary to understand the inner workings of A. This is trivial for a
> serialization library but in the general case this involves more effort and
> is difficult to accomplish without runtime errors.
> Is that incorrect?
The B code doesn't need to do anything special here, it just passes 
references to A code (in the same module). If the A code is doing 
serialization then it's walking object graphs and might have to add some 
transient read edges (via jlr.Module::addReads) as it goes. If the walk 
leads to it trying to access types that aren't public or aren't in 
packages exported to module B then it will get an 
IllegalAccessException, that is to be expected. So I don't think there 
is any specific to shading or uber JARs in this example.


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