is ClassLoader.loadClass() supposed to work on module-info classes?

Alex Buckley alex.buckley at
Fri Dec 4 23:09:16 UTC 2015

On 12/4/2015 11:58 AM, Peter Levart wrote:
> I know about those options. What I was wanting to know is whether the
> class file format will change and for what features.

It's possible that VarHandles will justify a bump to 53.0 because of new 
semantics for invokevirtual (see JEP 193). Paging Paul Sandoz, how is 
that JVM Spec update coming along? :-)

(Yes, changing instruction semantics causes a bump. Changing ldc in SE 
5.0 to support class constants bumped 48.0 to 49.0, thus losing the 
ability to compile code with generics on JDK 5 and run the class files 
on 1.4.)


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