Optional dependencies

Ali Ebrahimi ali.ebrahimi1781 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 7 06:55:04 UTC 2015


On Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 2:01 AM, Stephen Colebourne <scolebourne at joda.org>

> On 5 December 2015 at 09:49, Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at oracle.com> wrote:
> > Yes, that's right, there is enough to support all the scenarios. The
> > use-guava-if-it-happens-to-be-there scenario is somewhat awkward though
> as
> > it would means using -addmods. On the other hand, the
> > use-guava-if-someone-hands-me-a-guava-type scenario is straight-forward,
> it
> > just means reading the module at run-time (easy).
> However taking a step back, in order to support this type of release,
> command line flags are not an option. Since Joda-Beans is an OSS
> library, developers need to be able to "just use it". Telling
> developers that if they use this library they have to add a complex
> command line flag at runtime is simply not on.
> To me, the answers have identified a clear need for optional module
> dependencies in the jigsaw design, such that key information is not
> lost.


Best Regards,
Ali Ebrahimi

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