Is there really a jdk.proxy1 module?

Peter Levart peter.levart at
Tue Dec 8 15:07:02 UTC 2015

On 12/08/2015 03:59 PM, Stephane Epardaud wrote:
> Actually no, I've found that insted of accessing the proxy class
> directly I should just access the proxied annotation class and it works.
> Thanks anyway.

That's right. I was about to ask you about what you are doing to require 
access to implementation class of the annotation (the proxy class) 
instead of just invoking the annotation type (the interface), but you 
have already solved that.

> Except now I have to add a read to scan annotations of another module,

Do you really have to addRead() ? Visibility of of classes 
(Class.forName()) should only depend on class loader delegation. 
Enumerating members, when you already have a java.lang.Class object 
likewise. Looking-up annotations likewise.

What exactly are you trying to do and what exception do you get?

> which naturally introduces a cycle. This can't be right. Suppose I've a
> Framework module "F" and an app "A" which reads "F" (since it works for
> that framework). Now when that framework scans annotations in "A" it
> can't use reflection to access them because it doesn't read "A"?
> Funny thing is I can add the read and it doesn't complain about cycles,
> not sure why.

Cycles are checked only when constructing a Layer. Later, they are not 
any more. The problem with cycles is mainly in compile-time as I understand.

Regards, Peter

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