preliminary RFR: 8049365 - Update JDI and JDWP for modules

serguei.spitsyn at serguei.spitsyn at
Tue Dec 15 10:04:20 UTC 2015

Thanks, Mandy!

Yes, the SA JDI connectors need an update for modules too.


On 12/11/15 18:07, Mandy Chung wrote:
>> On Dec 11, 2015, at 12:40 AM, Alan Bateman <alan.bateman at> wrote:
>> We just need to make sure that they build and I can't recall if they are compiled against the JDI in the boot JDK or the jdk.jdi module. If the former then we would only see issues with boot cycle builds.
> jdk.hotspot.agent is built in the same way as other JDK modules.  Thanks to Erik’s recent change converting converting the SA agent build to modular build.
> Mandy
> [1]

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