Version on requires declaration

Neil Bartlett njbartlett at
Tue Dec 15 18:50:59 UTC 2015

On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 4:28 PM, Cristiano Mariano <
cristianomariano at> wrote:

> Hi guys!
> I have tested the case in which we have two versions of the same module in
> the module path and it is referenced by another module. We get an error.
> Is there a way of referencing a specific version of a module on depends
> clause?


> Throwing an error definetly seems to be a good solution for module
> hell, but it doesn´t look reallistic to me to have all modules in an
> application using the same versions of all dependencies.

I agree, it is not realistic.

> I have read that the version problem would be left for build tools like
> maven, but wouldn´t it be better to have a way of declare a dependency
> version in module-info and make it available for maven to read it?

This requirement is explicitly out of scope for the JSR. Quoting from

    "*Multiple versions* — It is not necessary to support more than one
version of a module within a single configuration."
    "*Version selection* — The process of configuring a set of modules need
not consider more than one version of any particular module."

Neil Bartlett

> Thanks,
> Cristiano

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