Spring's need for optional dependencies

Peter Levart peter.levart at gmail.com
Fri Dec 18 16:58:06 UTC 2015

On 12/18/2015 05:28 PM, Ali Ebrahimi wrote:
> Hi,
> Can we all agree that native Optional dependency support would be 
> clean, best and reasonable solution.

I think we 3 do agree ;-).

Regards, Peter

> On Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 7:47 PM, Peter Levart <peter.levart at gmail.com 
> <mailto:peter.levart at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi Ali,
>     On 12/18/2015 05:05 PM, Ali Ebrahimi wrote:
>>     Hi,
>>     In general, your workaround has some disadvantages:
>>     1) Existing code does not work as is: (your need read edges)
>     See my message written concurrently with your's ;-) Optional
>     dependency could add a read edge for you if the target module was
>     pulled in by some other means, but would not cause it to be pulled in.
>>     2) command line options only apply to boot layer not to dynamic
>>     configurations created by future containers
>     Who knows what future containers will do. They are free to add all
>     modules deployed in a deployment unit as root modules to the layer
>     configuration. Root modules could be listed in a deployment
>     descriptor of the deployment unit. Jigsaw is providing the API for
>     them to do what they want.
>     Regards, Peter
>>     On Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 7:19 PM, Peter Levart
>>     <peter.levart at gmail.com <mailto:peter.levart at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>         Hi Paul,
>>         I think we are not in disagreement. We are just talking of
>>         slightly different things. So let me answer your concerns...
>>         On 12/17/2015 06:14 PM, Paul Benedict wrote:
>>             Peter, thanks for your comments. I differ in that I don't
>>             see any problems with optional dependencies. Right now,
>>             like in Spring, optional features are enabled with a
>>             Class.forName() runtime check; if ClassNotFoundException
>>             is captured, the feature is unavailable. I expect that
>>             coding pattern to continue with optional dependencies.
>>             Libraries know how to check if a class is available and
>>             fallback to another plan when it's not.
>>         You can check whether the optional module is included in a
>>         runtime configuration or not with a simple Class.forName()
>>         check even if you don't depend on the module (i.e. don't list
>>         it in "requires" descriptor at runtime). The visibility of
>>         classes is not restricted. It only depends on ClassLoader
>>         hierarchy. When you successfully resolve some optional class
>>         at runtime (with Class.forName), you then have to add a read
>>         edge to it's module:
>>             Class<?> optionalClass = Class.forName("...");
>>         MySelfClass.getModule().addRead(optionalClass.getModule());
>>         ...before invoking any code that uses this module.
>>         What's different with jigsaw is how you include an optional
>>         module in the runtime configuration.
>>         Now you do this:
>>             java -classpath ....:/path/to/my-optional-module.jar:...
>>         With jigsaw you do this:
>>             java -mp /repository/of/modules -addmods
>>         ...:my-optional-module:...
>>         What's nice is that you don't have to remember to put the
>>         module into the 'repository-of-modules'. You just have to
>>         remember to '-addmods my-optional-module' and jigsaw will
>>         tell you if it can't find it. So you have explicit control
>>         from command line.
>>             Regarding your concern on the command line, I am not sure
>>             if people will be using the command line often. I expect
>>             tools to eventually read the Module Descriptors and
>>             assemble the correct list of modules. I believe Maven is
>>             currently investigating something similar right now.
>>             Currently, Jigsaw only reads a module directory, but
>>             eventually individual jars will be able to be listed.
>>             Just let tools solve this problem.
>>         I think this feature is only meant to simplify establishing a
>>         set of searchable modules when each of them is found in a
>>         directory with some other files that would otherwise be in
>>         the way if the directory as a whole was included in the
>>         modulepath (think of automatic modules). And that's only
>>         needed when compiling or running directly from the layout of
>>         Maven local repository. Application assembly usually puts all
>>         modules into a single archive. I believe this could be a
>>         .jimage file in the future.
>>         When you put something in -modulepath, it does not
>>         automatically become part of your runtime configuration and I
>>         think it should not. The concept of listing the root
>>         module(s) explicitly and letting the system figure out the
>>         transitive closure which then becomes a set of modules
>>         included in the runtime configuration is a powerful concept.
>>         And I think optional modules should not automatically be
>>         included in the runtime configuration.
>>         All that Juergen has to tell jigsaw Spring users is to
>>         "require" the modules that are Spring optional dependencies
>>         in their own root application module and jigsaw will make
>>         sure they are included at runtime. Or users can choose to
>>         delay that decision to launch runtime by not "require"-ing
>>         the modules and using -addmods option instead.
>>         Regards, Peter
>>             Cheers,
>>             Paul
>>             On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 10:58 AM, Peter Levart
>>             <peter.levart at gmail.com <mailto:peter.levart at gmail.com>
>>             <mailto:peter.levart at gmail.com
>>             <mailto:peter.levart at gmail.com>>> wrote:
>>                 Hi,
>>                 On 12/17/2015 12:03 PM, Stephen Colebourne wrote:
>>                     And here are the threads for Joda projects, which
>>             also need
>>                     optional
>>                     dependencies:
>>             http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jigsaw-dev/2015-December/005462.html
>>             http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jigsaw-dev/2015-December/005638.html
>>                     Note, I do not consider command line flags to be
>>             acceptable as
>>                     a solution.
>>                     Stephen
>>                     On 17 December 2015 at 09:41, Stephane Epardaud
>>                     <stef at epardaud.fr <mailto:stef at epardaud.fr>
>>             <mailto:stef at epardaud.fr <mailto:stef at epardaud.fr>>> wrote:
>>                         As I already mentioned, we also have the need
>>             for this in
>>                         Ceylon, for
>>                         the same reasons. Dependencies are required at
>>                         compile-time but optional
>>                         at run-time, based on detection: if it's
>>             there fine, if
>>                         not then no problem.
>>                 The only problem I see with optional dependencies at
>>             runtime is as
>>                 follows...
>>                 If "requires optional X" semantic was to include the
>>             module X in
>>                 configuration if it could be found with module finder (on
>>                 -modulepath), otherwise not, then the established
>>             configuration
>>                 would not only be dependent on command-line
>>             arguments, but also on
>>                 the content of module directories. If there was a
>>             common directory
>>                 used as a repository for various modules, you would
>>             not be able to
>>                 opt-out of using a particular module if it was
>>             declared as
>>                 optional dependency and included in the modulepath.
>>                 So instead of assembling command-line arguments
>>             (-addmods ...),
>>                 you would be forced to assemble private module
>>             directories for
>>                 each particular configuration.
>>                 Contrasting this with what we have now, the
>>             classpath: you have to
>>                 declare that you use a particular optional dependency
>>             on command
>>                 line, by mentioning it on the -classpath. And when
>>             you do that
>>                 (assemble a -classpath command line argument), the
>>             configuration
>>                 does not even check that it really is there. If the
>>             .jar file
>>                 isn't there, it is simply ignored.
>>                 So I think the safe "requires optional X" semantic
>>             would have to
>>                 be such that it acts as two descriptors:
>>                 requires X - at compile time
>>                 nothing - at runtime (no attempt to find the module
>>             and add it to
>>                 configuration)
>>                 You would still have to put -addmods X to command
>>             line, but then
>>                 you would have a total control over configuration from
>>                 command-line only.
>>                 Optional dependencies basically then just reduce to a
>>             means to
>>                 have two different descriptors: one for compile-time
>>             and one for
>>                 run-time, where run-time has a sub-set of requires from
>>                 compile-time descriptor. It can be done now (with
>>             separate
>>                 compilation), but it would be convenient to have a single
>>                 descriptor with two scopes of requires.
>>                 Regards, Peter
>>     -- 
>>     Best Regards,
>>     Ali Ebrahimi
> -- 
> Best Regards,
> Ali Ebrahimi

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