trying jigsaw-ea-95 jlink

Martin Balin martin.balin at
Mon Dec 21 08:58:09 UTC 2015

Thanks' for explanation.
Would not it make a sense to extend java.util.jar.Attributes.Name class 
to support ConcealedPackages new optional attribute?


On 16.12.2015 11:19, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 16/12/2015 09:27, Martin Balin wrote:
>> I've encountered this problem with jlink as well. The scenario was 
>> different. I used modular jar files produced by NetBeans with jigsaw 
>> build. NetBeans uses Ant jar task to create jar files. At this moment 
>> we run NB on top of JDK8 and Jigsaw is referenced as Project Java 
>> platform. Therefore NetBeans produces jar file using jar task based 
>> on JDK8 which is not compatible with JDK9 jlink.
>> I found that I can run these NB produced modular jar files on Jigsaw 
>> e.g.
>> > "java -mp.... -m <module_name/fully_qualified_main_class>"
>> But I cannot run such modular jigsaw app when packaged by jlink. Even 
>> specifying Main class does not help. It needs to be packaged by jar 
>> utility from jigsaw in order to be runnable in jlink.
>> Is this going to be defined somewhere? E.g. Jigsaw jar utility 
>> specification and how it changed from JDK8 jar.
> One we fix this issue then it should resolve this case too and there 
> should be no issue creating the JAR files with older versions of the 
> jar tool or any zip tool.
> As to what is going on? The set of exported packages are in the Module 
> class file attribute. There may be other non-exported packages and as 
> an optimization to avoid scanning the contents of the JAR, then this 
> set of packages can be stored in the optional ConcealedPackages class 
> file attribute. The jar and jmod tools add or update this attribute, 
> older versions of the jar tool or zip programs don't know anything 
> about it. When the attribute is not present then the contents of the 
> JAR file will be scanned or the file system will be scanned in the 
> case of an exploded module.
> There is a missing piece when we get to jlink and the run-time images. 
> The code that reconstitutes the set of modules descriptors in the 
> run-time image assumes the ConcealedPackages attribute is present. 
> This works great when the modules are in JMOD format or generated with 
> the updated jar tool but doesn't work when the modules don't have this 
> attribute. The original intention was it be generated at link-time. 
> We've since moved on much further to generate code at link time to 
> speed up the reconstitution of the module descriptors.  I initially 
> thought `jlink --gen-installed-modules off` would be a workaround for 
> Sebastian but there is a bit more to it. So I think the "TODO" needs a 
> priority boost.
> -Alan

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