8067867: Subsume module java.xml.soap into module java.xml.ws

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Sat Jan 3 09:24:34 UTC 2015

There are a number of proposed updates to the module graph that we need 
reflected in the source code layout (and the module graph in JEP 200 [1] 
will need to be refreshed too). JDK-8067867 tracks dropping the module 
java.xml.soap  and subsuming the API into the java.xml.ws module.

The webrevs with the proposed changes are here:

The main change is in the jaxws repo to move the source code, the other 
changes are just the configuration for the build and module graph 

Miran - it's important that you (or someone in the JAX-WS or EE area) 
review the moves in the jaxws repository as I assume it will impact the 
scripts/process that you have for bringing changes from the upstream 
projects. I'm sure Mandy will review the changes in the top-level and 
jdk repos so you can ignore those if you want.


[1] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/200

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