Module container format

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Fri Jul 3 08:30:53 UTC 2015

On 03/07/2015 05:16, offbynull-jigsaw at wrote:
> "We're not there yet but eventually it should be possible to run a 
> tool on JDK 9 to access another JDK 9 run-time image (maybe it has a 
> different set of modules) or run on JDK 9 to access a JDK 10 run-time 
> image. "
> It's disappointing, to say the least, that this wasn't fleshed out for 
> the upcoming Java9 release. It essentially means that maintainers will 
> have to rework their code twice.
If you are using the weekly JDK 9 builds then you are on the bleeding 
edge and so you need to be prepared to deal with continuous change, esp. 
when making use of new features and APIs that will go through several 
iterations before the release is done. In the case of the jrt file 
system then it might be a bit of work to start using it initially but I 
wouldn't expect it should be too difficult to keep it up to date as JDK 
9 develops.


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