JMX agents and Jigsaw

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Tue Jul 21 07:59:28 UTC 2015

On 21/07/2015 06:49, Ron Pressler wrote:
> :
> That's really good (esp. startLocalManagementAgent), but does it 
> require tools.jar to be available, which means a JDK, rather than JRE 
> installation?  VMSupport and Agent are available on any JRE. Perhaps 
> should be included in the JRE, too.
The attach API is intended for tools so this is why it used to be 
tools.jar and why it wasn't in the JRE downloads. In our module graph 
then it becomes its own module (named jdk.attach) so this means a tool 
using this API can run on any run-time image that has the jdk.attach 
module linked in. This should become clearer once the module system is 
in and there is tooling to create run-time images with just the modules 
that you want.


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