JMX agents and Jigsaw

Ron Pressler ron at
Sun Jul 26 16:42:09 UTC 2015

Got it. Thanks!
The problem with JMXConnectorServer is that it keeps the JVM running with a
non-daemon thread -- that's the only reason why I use
Perhaps it would be a good idea to provide a solution for that, but this is
the wrong mailing list for that discussion...


On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 2:22 PM, Alan Bateman <Alan.Bateman at>

> On 24/07/2015 10:12, Ron Pressler wrote:
>> OK, but assuming I have no control over the user's runtime image, am I
>> correct that programmatically starting the local JMX agent as I do now
>> (without the Attach API) will no longer be possible in Java 9?
>>  I'm not aware of any supported way of doing this in any JDK release, at
> least not without using Runtime.exec or ProcessBuilder to invoke the jcmd
> tool which might or might not be present.
> If you have code making direct use of JDK-internal classes such as
> then it fail at both compile-time and run-time with
> JDK 9 once the module system goes in. There will be a command-line option
> to work around this but no guarantees of course as
> might not exist, might be refactored significantly, etc.
> You probably know this already but you can start your own
> JMXConnectorServer if you want. Also you don't need the JMX agent to access
> the platform MXBeans in the current runtime.
> As regards tools using the attach API then then moving them to modules
> means they can have an explicit dependency on the jdk.attach module. This
> is good because it means they won't even start on a run-time that doesn't
> the jdk.attach module. Also if you get to create your own run-time image
> and want to include one or these tools then it will ensure that the
> jdk.attach module is also linked in.
> -Alan

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