Should this work?

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Fri Jul 31 06:45:24 UTC 2015

On 31/07/2015 00:08, Michael Hall wrote:
> jdeps -v -dotoutput ~/dotfiles jrt:/java.desktop/com/apple/laf/AquaBorder.class
> or what would be a good way to determine the dependencies for a Swing L&F?
> Running jdeps against the application jar for a Swing application shows no look and feel dependencies.
The argument to jdeps is a file path (to a JAR file, directory or .class 
files), it doesn't take a URL.

This Swing LAF is the java.desktop module. The module can't have any 
dependences on anything that isn't also in the run-time image so you can 
be sure that this Swing LAF doesn't dependent on anything beyond the 
java.desktop, java.base and a few other standard/JDK modules. Is that 
what you are concerned about?

For other LAFs then I assume they are in a JAR file or on the file 
system somewhere and you should be able to run jdeps on them.


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