Should this work?

Michael Hall mik3hall at
Fri Jul 31 21:16:28 UTC 2015

> On Jul 31, 2015, at 3:37 AM, Michael Hall <mik3hall at> wrote:
> The complete absence of l&f modules being listed when run against the application jar does seems like it could be a concern if the purpose is to modularize the applications use of the runtime itself. 

Fwiw, I have tried -R recursive, and even -jdkinternals. Neither gave me the laf dependenciies for my application jar.
I was not successful in using -M for module information to see if anything else identified java.desktop as a required module, it just didn’t work for me.
Neither did -p to try and go directly after the package, or -filter:package.
Either these are not in place or my build or usage is incorrect. 
But, having been unable to get jdeps to indicate java.desktop as a module dependency for the Aqua laf I still might consider this a concern if someone was trying to determine required modules for a OS X swing application. I haven’t tried other platforms. 
Maybe I should at least wait on doc before having concerns but this still seems one.

Michael Hall

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