RFR 8047789: auth.login.LoginContext needs to be updated to work with modules

Sean Mullan sean.mullan at oracle.com
Wed Mar 25 19:17:18 UTC 2015

On 03/21/2015 06:54 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 20/03/2015 14:39, Wang Weijun wrote:
>> Please review the code changes at
>>     http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~weijun/8047789/webrev.03/

This looks good to me too.

> It would be good to get the JAAS documentation updated too.

Yes, we should update the specification of the JavaLoginConfig type and 
the relevant JAAS tutorials and programming guides to describe the use 
of ServiceLoader to find LoginModule implementations. Can you file a 
followon issue in the docs/guides component and add a "securitydocs" label?


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