Accessing JavaFX' StageHelper and ContextMenuContent in Jigsaw
Rahman USTA
rahman.usta.88 at
Thu Nov 5 20:59:14 UTC 2015
I'm using ContextMenuContent to add new menu items to webview's default
context menu. I can set a new ContextMenu for Webviews but, I want to use
actions of default menuitems as well. Code
I'm doing something when application focus-out, but when an JavaFX Alert is
shown, it acts as focus-out, to avoid this circumstances I'm using
StageHelper Code
Note: I can also ask the question to openjfx-dev
2015-11-05 21:51 GMT+02:00 Kevin Rushforth <kevin.rushforth at>:
> The StageHelper class is deliberately not exposed for good reasons, since
> it's purpose is to provide internal access to non-public state.
> We moved most of the skin classes to a publicly exported
> package as part of JEP 253, but that didn't
> include ContextMenuContent.
> Can you explain what you are trying to do with these classes? Perhaps
> there is an alternative? If this is a detailed JavaFX question, then I
> suggest asking it on openjfx-dev rather than jigsaw-dev.
> -- Kevin
> Rahman USTA wrote:
>> Hi all;
>> I'm trying Jigsaw build with my JavaFX project, everything is fine but
>> with
>> two exception.
>> javac could not find/access
>> and com.sun.javafx.stage.StageHelper classes.
>> Is it possible to use them or are there any alternatives for these
>> classes.
>> Thanks.
Rahman USTA
Istanbul JUG <>
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