JDeps: detecting offending packages

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Sat Nov 14 15:20:36 UTC 2015

On 13/11/2015 21:58, Robert Scholte wrote:
> :
> Previous versions of JDK9 gave me the following output:
> classes -> java.base
>    <unnamed> (classes)
>       -> java.io
>       -> java.lang
>       -> sun.misc                                           JDK 
> internal API (java.base)
> The current b86 gives me:
> classes -> java.base
>    <unnamed> (classes)
>       -> java.io
>       -> java.lang
>       -> sun.misc
> So why this change? And is there another way to detect the usage of 
> non-accessible classes?
> The maven-plugin has a parameter called failOnWarning (default:true) 
> which should break the build in order to help developers to change 
> their code when they rely on internal classes.

In the regular JDK 9 EA builds then a usage of sun.misc.BASE64Decoder 
will be reported as a usage of a JDK internal API.

Not so with the Jigsaw builds because package sun.misc is temporarily 
exported by module java.base. This means that all public types in that 
package are accessible. This might seem surprising but it is because 
we're not there yet with JEP 260 [1]. Once JEP 260 is further along thne 
the critical internal APIs listed in JEP 260 will be accessible. The 
non-critical internal APIs will be encapsulated.

For the Maven plugin then maybe it might be better to choose a 
JDK-internal type that is not in sun.misc or sun.reflect. That would 
keep your test stable while we work through all the transition issues.


[1] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/260

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