jrt file system now has /package and /modules directories

Erik Joelsson erik.joelsson at oracle.com
Mon Nov 16 09:04:49 UTC 2015

The "install" target should most definitely depend on "images". I see 
that it currently doesn't, which is certainly a bug. The workaround is 
to do "make images && make install".

Filing a bug.


On 2015-11-16 08:42, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 16/11/2015 00:44, Michael Hall wrote:
>> Not a bad long shot. Seemed to work fine.
>> Creating jre jimage
>> Creating jdk jimage
>> duplicate resource "META-INF/services/com.sun.jdi.connect.Connector", 
>> skipping
>> Access verification succeeded.
>> ## Finished verify-modules (build time 00:03:40)
>> Finished building target 'images' in configuration 
>> 'macosx-x86_64-normal-server-release’
>> Running this…
>> ~/jdk9/build/macosx-x86_64-normal-server-release/images/jdk/bin/java 
>> JRTLister
>> /packages
>> /modules
>> also works now.
>> I am sure it will likewise work from the app.
> To your original question then the jrt file system provider in the 
> jigsaw/jake forest has support for exploded builds, the version in the 
> main line JDK 9 forest does not have this support (yet). From the 
> above output then it looks like you have a clone of the JDK 9 main 
> line, maybe jdk9/jdk9 or jdk9/dev, so that explains that part.
> As regards the make target then the README-builds suggests "make all" 
> so that everything is built. When you run just "make" without any make 
> target then it defaults to developer/exploded builds, this is what 
> most people working on the JDK use. I'm not 100% sure why the 
> "install" target doesn't build and install the images, Erik or someone 
> in the build area can probably say more on this.
> -Alan

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