OS X application won't launch with jigsaw

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at oracle.com
Wed Nov 25 16:13:07 UTC 2015

The com.apple.eawt APIs are already being replaced by public API as part 
of JEP 272 (which Michael already noted). I think he's just wondering 
what to do in the mean time; "-XaddExports" should do the trick.

-- Kevin

Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 25/11/2015 09:17, Michael Hall wrote:
>> I notice there are three images when built from source…
>> appmodules.jimage
>> bootmodules.jimage
>> extmodules.jimage
>> For the jake ea version I downloaded from the URL provided at the 
>> talks there is only bootmodules.jimage if that matters.
>> Copying the other two images into the embedded application jdk still 
>> does not seem to launch. Although even command line showed that it 
>> should get the internals error.
>> It might be the same problem for the app and I’m just not seeing the 
>> more meaningful error messages.
> There are a lot of changes in the jake forest, one of which is storing 
> the classes/resources for all modules in one jimage container. This 
> should transparent to you, there is no need to every look in the 
> lib/** tree. In particular, it will break things really badly if you 
> copy or move jimage files between builds.
>> Is there any way around the internals for a non-modularized 
>> application? A fair percentage of OS X applications might have these 
>> particular ‘internals’. There is JEP 272 so if I just wait, and 
>> change some code, that should go away.
>> But in general, if you have other applications looking to migrate to 
>> 9 that have any of these who want to start out by just getting their 
>> application up and running they are not going to work. They will be 
>> forced to either eliminate the internal use or go modular from the 
>> start? Then the addExports will work. If I’m understanding that error 
>> message correctly.
> If you feel strongly that the com.apple.eawt APIs should be exported 
> in JDK 9 then you need to read JEP 260 [1] and make a case for adding 
> the Apple APIs to the list.
> -Alan.
> [1] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/260

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