Help directions

joelbars at joelbars at
Mon Nov 30 19:28:09 UTC 2015

Hi Claes,

Thanks for your fast feedback, I made the new build like I did with jdk9
and it's working perfectly. I think I can see the code now and start to be
more active.

Thanks again.

Muito obrigado.

2015-11-30 13:24 GMT-03:00 Claes Redestad <claes.redestad at>:

> Hi,
> you might have more luck with
> Building etc should be more or less the same as for jdk9/jdk9
> Hope this helps!
> /Claes
> On 2015-11-30 17:19, joelbars at wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> It's been sometime since I started to participate but in a passive way
>> just
>> watching the list and trying to understand everything, now I wanted to be
>> more active. I already followed the quickstart guide and used some
>> tutorials do clone the source code and build it but in my forest I can't
>> see the jigsaw repository I just wanted some directions on how to build
>> the
>> jigsaw project with jdk, I really appreciate if someone could help me. So
>> far I:
>> * Cloned
>> * Followed the instructions to build the code
>> * Created a linux and mac build of the jdk9
>> But when I try the quickstart guide with this build I receive:
>> javac -d mods/com.greetings/ src/com.greetings/
>> src/com.greetings/com/greetings/
>> src/com.greetings/ error: class, interface, or enum
>> expected
>> module com.greetings { }
>> ^
>> 1 error
>> I'm presuming that's because I didn't compiled with jigsaw.
>> Thanks to everyone on this list and sorry if I bother someone, I'm just
>> someone trying to learn something new.
>> Best regards
>> Joel

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