Re[2]: Fixes in the jlink tool

Andrei Eremeev andrei.i.eremeev at
Wed Oct 7 08:16:24 UTC 2015

I had to resend the mail, as it had been blocked since I was not subscribed to the jigsaw-dev mail list.
Andrei Eremeev Wednesday, 07 October 2015, 10:26AM +03:00 from Jean-Francois Denise < jean-francois.denise at> :

>Hi Andrei,
>I will look at your contribution. Didn’t you add the same issue twice?
>On 6 Oct 2015, at 19:35, Andrei Eremeev < andrei.i.eremeev at > wrote:
>>Resending. I am covered by the OCA; so I can contribute to OpenJDK.
>>Best regards,
>>Andrei Eremeev
>>>Tuesday, October 6, 2015 12:40 AM +03:00 from Andrei Eremeev < andrei.i.eremeev at >:
>>>Hi Jigsaw team,
>>>Please review fixes in jlink for the following issues:
>>>Best regards,
>>>Andrei Eremeev

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