RFR 7199353: Allow ConstructorProperties annotation from any package

Alex Buckley alex.buckley at oracle.com
Thu Oct 8 18:41:23 UTC 2015

On 10/8/2015 6:15 AM, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
> 1. I think it would be good to change the synopsis of the issue
>     to match what the proposed change does.
>     It seems to me that something like:
>     Add a new javax.management.annotation.ConstructorProperties
>     annotation
>     would be a better description.

I agree with changing the synopsis, but 
javax.management.annotation.ConstructorProperties is not an annotation 
as described above. Recommend "Define ConstructorProperties annotation 
type for MXBeans".

Also, this annotation type introduces a new package, 
javax.management.annotation. I support *.annotation packages in general 
(e.g. to group a growing number of exciting annotation types related to 
HotSpot) but JMX is a mature technology which in the past decade has 
only introduced two annotation types, one of which is MXBean itself. I 
recommend placing ConstructorProperties alongside MXBean in the existing 
javax.management package.


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