RFR 7199353: Allow ConstructorProperties annotation from any package

Mandy Chung mandy.chung at oracle.com
Thu Oct 8 20:44:35 UTC 2015

On 10/08/2015 05:41 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
>>> I'm not sure
>>> that I agree with logging a warning when
>>> java.beans.ConstructorProperties is used. I would be tempted to leave
>>> that out.
>> The idea is that we want users to stop using @j.b.CP for JMX 
>> purposes. So we might as well warn them about the suboptimal solution 
>> they are using. But I don't insist on the logging.
> Ideally the warning would be at compile-time but it's not going to 
> work here. I would be tempted to just drop this, others might have 
> different opinions.

I also think the warning is not necessary.   It'd be interesting to find 
out how many MXBean and how many of them are annotated with j.b. at CP from 
Maven Central.  I suspect not too many.   Definitely we should document 
the recommendation in the release note and other documents like tutorial 
and guides.


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