JOSM feedback on Java 7,8,9, including Jigsaw EA

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Sat Oct 31 15:32:19 UTC 2015

On 31/10/2015 13:40, Vincent Privat wrote:
> Hi Alan,
> Thanks a lot for your answers and guidance. We will follow-up bugs 
> with appropriate mailing lists and attach test cases every time possible.
> Best regards,
> Vincent
Thanks. So I think from the list of 29 issues then there are only 2 that 
are specific to the jigsaw EA builds. One of these is caused by the 
horrible hack to workaround JDK-6292739, I see you've started a thread 
on awt-dev about that issue. The other is the deadlock issue which is 
fixed for the next Jigsaw EA build.


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