jigsaw EA feedback for apache lucene

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Thu Sep 10 10:22:33 UTC 2015

On 10/09/2015 06:52, Sundararajan Athijegannathan wrote:
> :
> ClassLoader.getResource for a .class resource is checked to detect if 
> it runs on jdk9. This returns a "jrt:" URL in jdk9 EA build - but, 
> returns null with jigsaw build. Also, 
> RuntimeMXBean.isBootClassPathSupported() returns false.
> So, isSupportedJDK will be false.
> Better solution would be to check if "jrt" nio file system is 
> available & use the same to check and/or read .class files of JDK 
> classes.
That will work but it might be better to look at 
java.lang.reflect.Module#getResourceAsStream as this will work for 
resources in both named and unnamed modules (for unnamed modules then it 
works like ClassLoader#getResourceAsStream). The summary on this is that 
the ClassLoader#getResourceXXX methods will locate resources on the 
class path as before, it's just that they don't locate resources in 
named modules.


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