javac not enforcing module boundaries?
Jonathan Gibbons
jonathan.gibbons at
Tue Sep 15 00:09:22 UTC 2015
-- Jon
On 09/14/2015 01:22 AM, Peter Levart wrote:
> Hi,
> I experimented a little with EA build and found javac behaving a
> little strange. Is this known or expected behaviour?
> For example, having the following layout of sources:
> modsrc/modA/
> module modA {
> requires modB;
> }
> modsrc/modA/pkgA/
> package pkgA;
> import pkgB.TypeB;
> public class TestA {
> public static void main(String[] args) {
> TypeB b = new TypeB();
> b.getC().getD().helloD();
> }
> }
> modsrc/modB/
> module modB {
> exports pkgB;
> requires modC;
> }
> modsrc/modB/pkgB/
> package pkgB;
> import pkgC.TypeC;
> public class TypeB {
> public TypeC getC() {
> return new TypeC();
> }
> }
> modsrc/modC/
> module modC {
> exports pkgC;
> requires modD;
> }
> modsrc/modC/pkgC/
> package pkgC;
> import pkgD.TypeD;
> public class TypeC {
> public TypeD getD() {
> return new TypeD();
> }
> }
> modsrc/modD/
> module modD {
> exports pkgD;
> }
> modsrc/modD/pkgD/
> package pkgD;
> public class TypeD {java -modulepath modout -m modA/pkgA.TestA
> public void helloD() {
> System.out.println("Hello from " +
> this.getClass().getModule());
> }
> }
> and using the following command to compile them:
> javac -modulesourcepath modsrc -d modout modsrc/modA/pkgA/
> They compile without error and produce the following output files:
> modout/modA/module-info.class
> modout/modA/pkgA/TestA.class
> modout/modB/module-info.class
> modout/modB/pkgB/TypeB.class
> modout/modC/module-info.class
> modout/modC/pkgC/TypeC.class
> modout/modD/module-info.class
> modout/modD/pkgD/TypeD.class
> Running the above with the following command:
> java -modulepath modout -m modA/pkgA.TestA
> Gives the following runtime error:
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalAccessError: class
> pkgA.TestA (in module: modA) cannot access class pkgC.TypeC (in
> module: modC), modA cannot read modC
> at pkgA.TestA.main(modA@/
> Which is expected. What I didn't expect is that javac did not figure
> this out correctly. Am I missing something and not using javac in the
> right way?
> Regards, Peter
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